time to get TOUGH on work-shy scum-bags
do upstanding tax paying citizens have to live amongst lazy work-shy
thieving fat and sugar guzzling scum bags?
is it in the 21st century we countenance the perpetuation
of this growing underclass of worthless individuals and families, who
drain the public purse and who eschew all genuine societal efforts to
improve their lot, like FREE education and Job Centres?
Multi-billion pound systems are put in place in an attempt to ameliorate the lot of
these wretched people, yet all they do is sit on their lazy
lard-arses and cry 'woe is me', bitter with envy and spite towards
anyone who does better than they, ignoring all those genuine and real
opportunities, preferring to smoke their illegal faker cigarettes and
drink their cheap booze and watch Jeremy Kyle on TV.
your neighbourhood, in your street, wherever or whenever anything
goes wrong, you can almost guarantee it will be at the hands of one
or more of these Shameless feckless bastards. Broken glass
everywhere, litter, loud loutish behaviour, sucking 9% proof cider
out of tins concealed by plastic carrier bags, their horrible little
bull breeds straining on chains yapping at their feet scaring kids in
parks and biting the faces off their own or their neighbours children in time.
You never see that story played out in the homes of anyone with even a modicum of education and self respect, do you? It's always in the World of Leather pikey parlours of the tattooed and half-cut scum bags where toddlers lose their limbs and lives to packs of bull this and thats and mastiffs and rottweilers, crammed improbably tightly into those state funded hovels looking for any space to flop between the stained glass-topped coffee tables and 50” televisions. Snot wiped everywhere and anywhere, skid-marked underwear under dirty cushions, fag packets, crisp packets, chocolate wrappers, toddlers with rotten teeth from sucking juice filled bottles and eating endless sweets, wan tired kids piled high in mouldy bedrooms with dirty polyester duvets and cheap broken plastic toys. Fear, genuine fear of abuse, shouted at, battered, malnourished, uncared for, chastised, belittled, tired, sallow, unloved urchins, five kids, five big dogs, all crammed in, all paid for by the gullible working citizens of this once great land.
John McDonnell MP (labour) opposed to Welfare Reform |
Teresa Pearce MP (labour) opposed to Welfare Reform |
are we paying for this? Because we are legally compelled to do so, by the
taxation system, by endless governments that purport to represent you
but then do absolutely nothing with their power that genuinely
reflects anything you want to be done. Governments and bleeding heart politicians
too timid and mindful of losing their parliamentary seats to say or
do anything of any real value or purpose, fearing the shameful
liberal media who themselves claim to represent the Voice of the
People but who in reality exist only to perpetuate their
quasi-Marxist Oxbridge agendas and dress that agenda up with the
arrogance of the uncorroborated and un-polled “any right minded
person” line.
Guardian newspaper and the Bolshevik Behemoth
Corporation do not in any shape or form represent empirically
the thoughts and ideas of any of the Right Minded Peoples of our
country and it is sickening the way that they use their headlines and
their editorial and their tax-payer funded programmes both fictional
and 'factual' to disseminate the lie of that political agenda and to
socially engineer in the most nannying and patronising way possible.
would I do?
I would stop all state financial handouts and administer food tokens. I would force anyone over sixteen and unemployed for more than three months into work programmes, cleaning the streets of the litter, glass and filth they put there in the first place. Non-attendance or poor application and attitude? Immediate six months in prison.
I would stop all state financial handouts and administer food tokens. I would force anyone over sixteen and unemployed for more than three months into work programmes, cleaning the streets of the litter, glass and filth they put there in the first place. Non-attendance or poor application and attitude? Immediate six months in prison.
would compel all parents to attend food and nutrition programmes
where they would learn how to feed themselves and their families on
the prescribed nutrition available with said tokens. Non-attendance?
Immediate six months in prison.
would compel all of the unemployed and all young people beholden to
the state to attend citizenship classes where acceptable modes of
behaviour would be outlined, backed up by real and painful
punishments. Six months imprisonment without playstations for
allowing your disgusting dogs to foul public highways and play parks.
Six immediate months for any violent conduct however minor, for any
anti-social behaviour, noise pollution, neighbour bating, school
non-attendance (adults representing errant children).
I would make obesity a crime, at the moment it is a choice, in future, with reference to the aforementioned food and nutrition courses and prescribed food tokens, after a two year introductory period (plenty of time to lose the flab) anyone claiming benefits in the obese BMI range would be compelled to attend government funded exercise programmes, again, non-attendance, immediate six months imprisonment.
I would make obesity a crime, at the moment it is a choice, in future, with reference to the aforementioned food and nutrition courses and prescribed food tokens, after a two year introductory period (plenty of time to lose the flab) anyone claiming benefits in the obese BMI range would be compelled to attend government funded exercise programmes, again, non-attendance, immediate six months imprisonment.
I would fund school police forces where unacceptable and anti-social behaviour on or around school property was heavily punished. Poor school work punishable, back chat punishable, poor or non-compliance with strict uniform policy punishable. Bullying a criminal offence, where both parents and children are resultantly punished. No mobile phones or any media recording or playback equipment allowed on school premises. NO litter. NO lateness. NO modern modish lingo, text speak, lol, lmfao, NO innit, NO graffiti, NO chewing gum, NO crisps, chocolates or fizzy drinks, NO back-chat and crucially NO disrespect of the fundamental learning principle.
sounds tough on our wretched poorer citizens; anti-libertarian, state
controlling, hyper intrusive, in breach of their Human Rights and all
that guff. But what about the rights of the decent and law abiding
citizens of this country to go about their business in clean streets
unmolested by these Shameless over-breeding egregious excuses
for humanity? Does the current system work? Are we not bankrolling
their beer, cigarette, drugs, sugar and fat habits to the tune of
billions of pounds per annum whilst decent hard working individuals
and families struggle to make ends meet often on a fraction of their
unearned income?
stayed at a hotel in London recently and was amazed and appalled that
none, yes, none of the dozens of staff who worked there were
British, instead, hard working, diligent reliable foreigners occupied
every position from receptionist to breakfast supervisor to
chambermaid. Were there no viable unemployed indigenous Brits
within reasonable travelling distance of this hotel to employ and
reduce the unemployment figures before redress to these foreigners?
The Problem |
in my Brave New World, there would be no room for any of that
malingering or personal choice. Hard labour cleaning the streets nine
hours a day for a genuine pittance plus food tokens or compulsory and
enforceable local work in shops and hotels and in other menial
occupations. Backed up by law. Repeated poor workplace behaviour? Six
months in prison. Get the message? Compel the current indolent to
work and work well and hard, until the message is pervasive and
received, so that future generations know that poor school
application and work shyness and reliance on welfare is simply not an
option, know that breeding huge families on welfare is not an option,
know that all anti-social behaviour is simply unacceptable and
harshly punishable. That is the social engineering we require,
not the namby pamby Human Rights agenda of the left and their aligned
media apologists.
I know all of this is sensationalist and designed to be contentious
and thought provoking, but the essence of it, the desire to solve
some of the modern social evils created by an over reliance and
availability of welfare and free money, is a necessary and crucial
road we must travel as a nation, and sooner rather than later.
Welfare spending constitutes somewhere around 15% of UK total government expenditure, a figure of around £110 billion in 2014, that's 3% more than the projected expenditure on Education.
Welfare spending constitutes somewhere around 15% of UK total government expenditure, a figure of around £110 billion in 2014, that's 3% more than the projected expenditure on Education.
about it, we are going to spend more money ensuring the fat lazy
work-shy have food, shelter, crisps, chocolates, cigarettes, cheap
alcohol, drugs and dog food money than we are going to spend
educating our children.
but it's not their fault" I hear you liberal wishy-washy apologists
decry. "It's the fault of generations of poor Government policy which
created periods of mass unemployment, which facilitated dependency." You see this thumb and forefinger rubbing together? You know the
rest. You simply cannot run a progressive and meaningful economy
based on that kind of sentiment. Sentiment leads to tears which leads
to rivers and floods carrying us all away into oblivion. We need some
truly hard politics and social schemes backed up by biting
legislation that gets a handle on these social ills before it truly
is too late. We have to have educated productive morally grounded
citizens, we all deserve and need that population. We cannot continue
to allow the lowest common denominators in our society, buttressed by
weak liberal politicians and politics, to hold sway, to hold us
perpetually to ransom.
Perhaps if we stopped valuing our failing democracy so highly and
looked to a different political system, most of these problems would
be solved overnight. Many more police with true powers backed by significantly stricter legislation and sentencing. "Police State and Fascism!" I hear you cry. Always the fall-back position of the liberal, the wishy-washy, the libertarians who would and do willingly stand by and watch our once great nation sink into the mire. Comparing any strictness, any censure in our society to the Germany of the National Socialists, their bulwark of choice: "Oh, dear (wringing of hands) he said something that wasn't left wing, that wasn't libertarian, he's a Nazi, he's a Fascist, kill him! Hang him out to dry! Quick, get the BBC and The Guardian cranked up, we must defend the rights of the 'weak' to continue to destroy our society." Blah and blah and blah. I wonder though if a dictator would sanction £110 billion
expenditure on Welfare in 2014?
Maybe a superman (or woman) of benign dictators, who espouses the very best
of genuine liberal thinking mixed in with lashings of hard realism would do as good a job for our society as the toothless politicians shivering timorously in Parliament manage at the moment.
This dictator would demand productivity from all, would institute systems to assess
each individuals value on merit, not on the pipe dreams of televised
talent shows but on the true quantifiable and measurable qualities
put forward -
Adele? Yes, clearly you are a singer, off you go
and sing, and make your money and entertain the masses. The Abbys and Lisas from Leamington Spa of this world? No, you are not singers, you will never be singers,
so get your lazy arses out of bed and get sweeping those streets and
get used to a diet of lentils and bulgar wheat until you see sense
and get a grip on reality.
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